Thursday, February 16, 2012

Constants in Spring Context

Found an easy way to include a constant declared in some random Java file into the context file.

<bean id="Context" class="javax.naming.InitialContext"> 
        <util:map id="jmsProperties" map-class="java.util.Hashtable"> 
                <key><util:constant static-field="javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY"/></key> 
                <key><util:constant static-field="javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL"/></key> 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Installing the Aptana plugin in Eclipse makes Quick Diff colors unreadable

When I install this plugin my Quick Diff colors change, making it near impossible to read an SVN compare.

I have found that there are a couple potential fixes, or combinations thereof:

1. Go to Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Quick Diff.
  • Changes ->  H:80 S:240 L:240 R:221 G:225 B:221
  • Additions ->  H:80 S:240 L:240 R:221 G:225 B:221
  • Deletions ->  H:0 S:240 L:232 R:255 G:238 B:238
2. Go to Aptana Studio -> Themes. Ensure Eclipse is chosen from the drop down box.